Friday, March 4, 2011

Here we go

So, if you're reading this, chances are you know me. I'm Sarah, wife to Bryan and mother of Asher and Abby Kate. We're a young military family, so life is pretty crazy, but also pretty fun. I have been thinking of blogging for quite awhile now, but never really found the right reason. I was laying in my bed the other night, between the husband I was pretty ticked with and my sleeping snoring little girl thinking about what a bad day I had. I was pissed, I was so mad at the world that I couldn't even sleep. Just about that time, Abby Kate gets restless, turns over, and snuggles right into me and gets this beautiful sleepy smile as she drifted back to sleep. I looked down into that precious little face and  I thought about how no matter what seems to happen in my life, there is always something that happens each day that I can be thankful for. Some poignant moment, some hilarious observation Asher makes, some milestone hit, or something as simple as eating something super yummy. Sometimes in the middle of this crazy life, we all forget that there is always something to be happy about. I am so guilty of this. There are times that I am so ready to throw in the towel, throw up my hands and say "Okay Universe, you win!" That's when you have to sit back, take a deep breath, and count your blessings. If you don't choose to see the glass half full, then you will always be empty. So this is my mission, I am going challenge myself to write about something positive that happens each day, something I can be thankful for, so that I can remember how blessed I am. So here it goes, my year of thanksgivings.

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